Charm Home Care provides PCA services to residents of the State of Minnesota. To receive PCA services from Charm Home Care you must:
- Be a Minnesota resident.
- Be a recipient of Medical Assistance or be able to pay for the cost of service you receive from Charm Home Care.
- Be in need of one or more categories of the Activities of Daily Livings (ADLs)
- Have the ability to make decisions about your own care, or have someone who can make decisions for you.
To have Charm Home Care provide your PCA service needs please follow these steps:
- Meet with a Public Health Nurse (PHN) for your needs assessment.
- During your assessment, tell the PHN you want Charm Home Care to be your PCA agency.
- Decide which PCA service type you would like:
Traditional or PCA Choice. - Call our main office to discuss your eligibility and PCA service options and needs.
- You will have access to our Qualified Professional (QP), a Registered Nurse, for consultation regardless of the PCA service option you choose.
- The QP (ours or your choosing) and yourself and /or your Responsible Party (RP), will carefully develop a service care plan.
- The service care plan development meeting will take place at your home or place of choosing.
- You have the option to bring your own PCA person and QP if you choose PCA Choice service option.
- The QP provides any required PCA orientation, training and supervision.