Category: Client Questions

Category: Client Questions

I’m going on vacation. Can I receive PCA services outside of Minnesota?
July 25, 2019 Client Questions charmhome

If a client leaves the United States, they cannot receive PCA services while out of the country. However, if a client goes on a short vacation outside of Minnesota, his/her PCA may accompany the client. PCA services continue as usual. If the client is not their own Responsible Party, the Responsible Party must accompany them

How do I get started as a client with Charm Home Care?
July 25, 2019 Client Questions charmhome

If you are currently receiving PCA services through another agency and wish to transfer to Charm Home Care., it is fairly simple. We complete a form and submit it to DHS to transfer you services. Then we work with you to get any existing PCAs set up with our agency or find you new ones. 

How do I know if I’m eligible for PCA services?
July 25, 2019 Client Questions charmhome

To receive PCA services, a client must be on medical assistance. To qualify for medical assistance, the client’s income and asset levels must be below a certain amount set by the State. Once a client is enrolled in medical assistance, he/she needs to be assessed by a Public Health Nurse from his/her County in order

How soon can I begin my services with Charm Home Care?
July 25, 2019 Client Questions charmhome

If you are just starting PCA services, it usually takes 2-3 weeks for PCA background studies to be completed and to get PCAs properly trained. When transferring agencies, 3-4 weeks is the usual time required to get all setup.

What if I do not like the caregiver you have provided me?
July 25, 2019 Client Questions charmhome

Charm Home Care. works hard to ensure that our clients are happy with the PCAs we provide. Many clients ask us to hire their friends or family members to provide their PCA services, but others rely on us to find PCAs. When we provide a PCA that the client does not know, we have the

What is flexible use?
July 25, 2019 Client Questions charmhome

When you are assessed for PCA services, you are allocated a certain number of “units,” which determine how many hours per day your PCA may work. Most people receiving PCA services can use their units flexibly. A service agreement (usually one year long) gives a total unit amount. Often, a service agreement is split in

What is a Responsible Party and what do they do
July 25, 2019 Client Questions charmhome

A Responsible Party is the person who is responsible for making decisions for the client regarding his/her PCA services. A client may be his/her own Responsible Party. A person other than the client is assigned as a Responsible Party when the client is a minor child or an adult not capable of performing the duties

My PCA hours were cut. What can I do?
July 25, 2019 Client Questions charmhome

When a client has a reassessment from the public health nurse, their allocated hours can increase if the nurse determines that they now need additional services. The nurse may also reduce the time allocated for PCA services if he/she does not believe the client needs all of the services they were previously receiving. If a